THE POPE by Joao Bethencourt
Comedy 5M 2F l set.
At the end of his triumphal tour of New York,
POPE ALBERT is kidnapped by SAM, a Brooklyn taxi driver. The play opens
as SAM arrives home with his hostage and we witness each member of the
family's surprised reaction to their guest, who strangely seems quite
unperturbed. SAM has demanded a ransom - for twenty-four hours there will
be no killing in the world - and the Pope's kidnapping has become an international
concern. 'The play is beautifully constructed, the characters are larger
than life and totally credible and the dialogue is constantly funny. The
whole play has a marvellously heartwarming universality without a word
of preaching, a total lack of pretentiousness. It has more to say about
humanity and life than any message play'. Plays of l983/4